You can express your opinions, but you must do so calmly, intelligently, and without purposeful intent to attack the other party.

If you can’t express your opinion of someone else’s actions without being mean, childish, insulting or spiteful, keep it to yourself. As is directing any language of this sort at a fellow community member. Swearing, obscene or indecent language is against the rules, excessive use of slang swears or l33t is also against the rules. Multiple rules violations or one-time rules violations that are serious may result in a ban. Moderators may remove posts that break these rules or any others, that, in their discretion, they determine are disruptive or detrimental to the subreddit. If You Break the Rules for Participation: HP Inc or Hewlett Packard Enterprise is not responsible for this subreddit in anyway. Their posts do not necessarily reflect the views of HP Inc or Hewlett Packard Enterprise. NOTE: Any HP/Hewlett Packard Enterprise employees who responds to posts in this subreddit are doing so an individual contributor and NOT as an HP Inc./Hewlett Packard Employee. We would also love to see your news articles and general opinions concerning the company in general. Please feel free to post any questions concerning your HP devices!